NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 3, issue 2, May 18, 1992) Hello, This is vol. 3, issue 2 of the 1992 NeXT NUGGET NEWS DIGEST - a collection of items of interest for the NeXT User Group members. There are more than 320 NeXT User Groups in 34 countries around the world. This issue is devoted to "Objects". If you wish to start a new NeXT user group locally or if you have a NeXT User Group but have not registered it, please send email to conrad _______________________________________________________________ Table of Contents I. Computerworld Magazine to Sponsor First Annual "Object Applications Awards" at Object World 92 II. Object Catalog: Call for Submissions ________________________________________________________________ I. Computerworld Magazine to Sponsor First Annual "Object Applications Awards" at Object World 92 Call for Nominations: Object Applications Awards Framingham, Mass - In cooperation with the Object Management Group, Computerworld announced it will sponsor the First Annual Computerworld Object Application Awards in conjunction with Object World 92. The 40 minute ceremony will be held on Tuesday evening, July 21, 1992 at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco. Awards will be given out in five categories specifically to honor User applications and pioneering implementations of the technology. A distinguished panel of judges will determine the winners through a nomination process in the following categories: - Best implementation of a distributed application using object-oriented tools - Best implementation of a reusable development environment for company deployment - Best "object-based" application developed using NON object-oriented tools - Best cost-saving implementation using an object approach - Best use of object technology within an enterprise or large systems environment Nominations must come from the User organization for internally developed applications not for commercial sale. Production applications or documented and demonstrable working prototypes are acceptable. Entrants must call for an official Entry Kit. All entries must be received by midnight EST, May 29, 1992. Entrants will be asked to detail goals of the application, the approach used, problems encountered, and key benefits realized conforming to one of the above categories. For your entry kit, call or FAX: Mr. William Hoffman Computerworld Object Application Awards c/o Object Management Group 492 Old Connecticut Path Framingham, MA 01701 USA Fax: 1-508-820-4300 Telephone: 1-508-820-4303 ________________________________________________________________ II. Object Catalog: Call for Submissions Dear NeXTSTEP Object Designers: In July of this year, NeXT will publish the first-ever "object" catalog. The catalog will promote all the fantastic NeXTSTEP objects currently available, both commercially and through the public domain. At the same time, the catalog will help educate customers and the entire industry about the benefits of NeXTSTEP objects and object-oriented technology. NeXT is clearly the object-oriented leader: NeXTSTEP is the only object-oriented system software shipping today. To get the word out, we'd like to release an outstanding catalog filled with descriptions of the objects written by developers and users alike. That's where we'd like your help. You can leave an indelible mark on the NeXTSTEP object community by submitting descriptions of your objects for listing in our catalog. It's simple. Just complete the attached form and return it to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< by June 1, 1992. Your submission(s) will then appear in the catalog, which will reach thousands of current and prospective NeXTSTEP users and developers throughout the world. So get your listings to us today, and help spread the word about NeXTSTEP objects. If you are not currently developing NeXTSTEP objects but know people who are, please forward this message on to them. Thanks from everyone at NeXT! --------------- Objects are being solicited in the following categories (feel free to suggest categories we may have missed): UI Objects Information Display Objects Analytical Tools (includes objects to be used with Mathematica) Networking & Telecommunications Objects Device Driver & Communications Objects Multimedia Objects Document & Publishing Objects Database Objects Financial Objects Tools & Utilities -- General Business Graphics Digitized Sound Graphics 3D & Rendering Tools Voice & Speech Objects Telephony & ISDN Objects Text & Language Tools Scripting & Macro Objects Indexing & Retrieval Objects Workflow Objects ------------------------------ TEMPLATE FOR CATALOG SUBMISSIONS Object Category: Product Name: Product description here (up to 100 words): Company Name or University: Street Address: City, State, Zip code, Country: Phone: E-Mail address: Pricing Information (including educational discount, if applicable): Source code available: Support available: On-line Help (if a UI object): Documentation Availability: Localization Support: Availability: ________________________________________________________ end